EngineeringPro Referenceware Library
EngineeringPro from Books24x7®™: The premier multidisciplinary
reference for all engineering professionals
CBT Direct's EngineeringPro™, a Referenceware® collection from Books24x7®, provides engineers across all disciplines a reliable,
quick and easy resource to address the daily challenges that they face regardless of their field of expertise. EngineeringPro delivers
the full contents of hundreds of the best and latest engineering books in a fully searchable, web-based environment. This professional
information tool is packed with reference material covering a wide range of engineering disciplines, plus general reference topics
important to all engineering professionals. With books from trusted publishers such as John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, The Institution
of Electrical Engineers, Engineering Press, Industrial Press, Noble Publishing, Artech House, The MIT Press, and many others, this
collection continues to grow with new content added weekly. Whether they are looking for quick answers to problems, gathering specific
information for a project, learning new skills or refreshing existing ones, EngineeringPro is the reference solution for today’s
engineering professionals.
With EngineeringPro, users can search, browse and view every word, graphic, table, schematic and formula from hundreds of engineering titles. EngineeringPro covers such disciplines as:
- Aerospace
- Electrical
- Automotive
- Environmental
- Bioengineering
- Manufacturing
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical
- Civil Engineering
- Military
- Drafting & Design
- Telecommunications
- Engineering Management
- Applied Math & Quantitative Methods
- Systems Engineering
- Patents & Trademarks
- Dictionaries
- Project Planning
- Quality Control
- Usability & Human Factors
For a list of titles click here.
Using the EngineeringPro™ collection from Books24x7, you'll find Quick and Accurate Answers to All Your Engineering Questions!
EngineeringPro is ideal for professionals in all engineering disciplines and is a must have resource for just-in-time learning to increase knowledge, understanding and skills for immediate results:
- Read a non-mathematical guide to basic power-quality strategies and methods used to protect electronic systems
- Gain insight into problem solving strategies, design, installation, cost estimating, lighting design, and maintenance calculations in electrical work
- Find out about the design rules required to document, implement, and demonstrate quality management system effectiveness in compliance with the latest version of the ISO 9000 International Standard
- And many more!

Hundreds of titles are included in CBT Direct's EngineeringPro from Books24x7 - and these titles are added to on a monthly basis! Plus,
the new book alert feature included in EngineeringPro ensures that you know when new information has been added. This allows us to
consistently provide content that is timely, comprehensive, up-to-date and informative.